Parish of Exning with Landwade

St Martin's Churchyard Memorials

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{We plan to include photos and/or the volunteers' description cards}


Below is a list of memorials in the Churchyard at Exning near Newmarket in the County of Suffolk in England.  The numbers refer to the numbers on the plan of the Churchyard.

 [Alphabetic List]

The full inscriptions are not reproduced here.  The type of tomb and if there is a footstone is recorded.  Where it is decipherable the surname (or initial) is given first followed by the Christian Names, day of death, month of death, year of death and age at death.  Other commemorated on the stone are also recorded together with their relationship to the first person recorded on the stone.  Where a date of death is recorded then it is almost certain that that person is buried in that place, others recorded on the tomb may simply be grieving relatives or ancestors.


Interesting inscriptions are also given

1                     Pedestal Tomb

2                     Headstone

                       Westley Mary Elizabeth 20 January 1875 19

                       Westley Walter (Father)   

                       Westley Martha (Mother)   

3                     Headstone

                       Newman Elizabeth 12 Novemebr 1866 50

                       Bunn John Charles (Husband)   

                       Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was

                       and the Spirit shall return unto God who gave it

4                     Headstone

                       Westley Francis 23 December 1791 75

                       Westley Ann (Wife) 19 july 1831 75

                       Here lies the body of a friend Sincere

                       Good to his wife and to his children dear

                       We therefore hope with Angels he is joined

                       ……. Joys the …….. Find

 4                     Footstone

                       W F   1791

                       W A   1831

 5                     Headstone

                       Westley Elizabeth 27 May 1843 50

                       Westley William (Husband)    80


5                     Footstone

                       W E   1843

                       W W   1865



6                     Headstone

                       Westley William 13 November 1816 27

                       Westley John (Brother)  September  21

                       Westley Will (Father)   

                       Westley Eliz (Mother)   

                       Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord


6                     Footstone

                       W J   



7                     Headstone

                       Westley Francis 6 April 1819 44

                       Westley Mary (Wife) 18 February 1812 37


8                     Headstone

                       P James    33

                       ? ? (Parent)   


8                     Footstone

                       P J   



9                     Headstone

                       Porter George Brooks 17 June 1818 35



9                     Footstone

                       P B   1818



10                   Headstone

                       Porter Ann 13 October  34

                       Porter James (Husband) 18 May  13

                       Porter James   


10                   Footstone

                       D A   



11                   Headstone

                       Medlock John 10 January 1866 33


                       The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away blessed be the name of the Lord


11                   Footstone

                       M J   1856




12                   Pedastal Tomb

                       Feist Harriet Ebenezer 21 August 1884 67



13                   Headstone

                       Carter Hannah 6 June 1850 43

                       Carter Stephen (Husband)   

                       Mean Wm (Father)   

                       Mean Ann (Mother)   


13                   Footstone

                       C H   



14                   Headstone

                       Mean William 27 January 1852 69



15                   Headstone

                       Pettet Samuel 2 October 1865 81

                       Pettet Elizabeth (Wife) 30 November 1844 60


15                   Footstone

                       P S   

                       P E   1844


16                   Headstone

                       Donechamp Ann 27 March 1856 82

                       Donechamp William J.P. (Husband)   


16                   Footstone

                       D A   



17                   Headstone

                       Ma George   


                       Carpenter of …. And Clerk of this Parish thirty one years


18                   Headstone

                        Emma (Mother) 6 February 1882 40


                       Sleep on beloved sleep and take thy rest

                       Lay down thy head upon thy savious breast

                       We love thee well but Jesus loves thee best Good Night

                       Only Good Night Belovest not farewell 

                       Erected by her children



19                   Headstone

                       Isaacson James 17 March 1884 80

                       Isaacson Sophia (Wife) 24 April 1868 59

                       Isaacson John (Infant Son) 29 April 1839 6 months

                       Why should we mourn departed friends

                       And start at death's alarms

                       Tis but the message Jesus sends

                       To fold them in his arms


19                   Footstone ?

                       I J   1884

                       I S   1863

                       I J   1839


20                   Headstone

                       Chapman Henry Alfred  August 1877 62

                       Chapman Frances (Wife) 25 September 1883 57

                       In the midst of life we are in death


21                   Headstone

                       Chapman Sarah Ann  July 1871 18

                       Chapman Thomas 6 August 1882 30

                       Watch and pray for you know not what hour the (you) Lord cometh

                       your changed to the


22                   Headstone

                       Nunn Elizth 11 December 

                       Nunn Thos (Husband) 16 June 176 79


23                   Headstone

                       Edgar Mary Ann  October 1787 58

                       Edgar Thomas (Husband)   

                       A ….. Did …. Could not givr me ……


24                   Headstone

                       Hancock Elizabeth  January 

                       Hancock Edward (Husband)   


25                   Headstone

                       Hancock Edward  November 



26                   Headstone





27                   Headstone

                       I Mary   1735

                       I (Husband)   

                       I M   1739

                       I I   174?


27                   Footstone

                       I M   1735

                       I M   1739

                       I I   174?


28                   Headstone

                       Tibbitts James 20 Janaury 1872 68

                       Tibbitts William (Son) 16 April 1862 21

                        2 Children that died in infancy   

                       Calm shall I stand in that great day

                       For who shall then have aught to say

                       While I through the delivered am

                       From sin and fear from guilt and shame


29                   Headstone

                       Carter Caroline 4 January 1873 48



29                   Footstone

                       C C   1873


                       Watch therefore for ye know not what hour your Lord come Matthew 24c:42v


30                   Headstone

                       Cooper Maria 29 June 1813 25

                       Cooper John (Father)   

                       Cooper Susan (Mother)   

                       We cannot tell who next may fall

                       Beneath thy chastening rod

                       One must be first Oh may we all

                       Prepare to meet our God


31                   Headstone

                       Cooper Louisa 28 August 1870 56


                       Be ye therefore ready also for the Son of Man cometh at an hour when ye think not


31                   Footstone

                       C L   1870



32                   Headstone

                       Fenton George   

                       Fenton Mary (Mother)   



33                   Headstone

                       Bullen John 31 January 1879 65

                       Bullen Eliza (Wife) 19 February 1897 76


33                   Footstone

                       B J   1879

                       B E   1897


34                   Headstone

                       Bullen Philip 15 February 1875 27

                       Bullen Sarah Ann (Sister) 27 December 1858 3

                       Bullen John (Father)   

                       Bullen Eliza   

                       Yea thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death

                        I will fear no evil for thou art with me and they rod and staff comfort me


34                   Footstone

                       B P   1875

                       B SA   1858


35                   Headstone

                       H J    



35                   Footstone

                       H J   



36                   Headstone

                       Hobbs John   1831 75

                       Hobbs Rebecca (Wife)    76


36                   Footstone

                       H J   

                       H R   


37                   Headstone

                       Peachey Emma 13 March 1872 27


                       This stone was erected by the school children as a memorial of a much beloved

                       instructress with the asistance of a few friends who knew her worth 

                       Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord


37                   Footstone

                       P E   1872




38                   Headstone

                       Mowl David 31 Janaury 1873 28

                       Mowl Hannah (Wife) 1 September 1874 29

                       In our youth we were cut off and could no longer stay

                       Because it was our Saviours will to call us both away


38                   Footstone

                       M D   1873

                       M H   1874


39                   Headstone

                       Mowl Annie Emma 2 January 1879 21

                       Mowl Eliza (Mother) 3 October  64

                       Mowl John (Father)   

                       Here we have no continuing city Lord all pitying Jesu blest grant her thy eternal rest


39                   Footstone

                       M E   1879

                       M    1881


40                   Headstone with Bodystone

                       Humphreys Elizabeth (Spinster) 9 September 1856

                       Humphreys Rev. Francis M.A. (Father)   

                       Dibden Rev. T. F. (D. D.) (Brother-in-Law) (Vicar)   

                       Daughter of the late Rev. Francis Humphreys M.A. of Hampstead Middlesex and

                       Sister in Law of the Rev T.F. Dibden DD Vicar of this Parish  She died September 9

                       1856 [and her body is laid here]


41                   Coffin

                       Gittus Maude Mary Victoria 26 June 1872

                       Gittus Edward (Father)   

                       Gittus Mary (Mother)   

                       Fyson Wm (Grand Father)   


42                   Headstone

                       Fyson Will….   1867



42                   Footstone




43                   Kerb





44                   Headstone

                       Heffer James 10 October 1868 34

                       Heffer Louisa (Wife) 15 February 1903 75

                       While He has gained we losers are

                       We miss him day by day

                       But Thou canst every breath repair

                       And wipe our tears away


45                   Headstone

                       Jessup Ann 11 March 1855 71

                       Jessup Thursa (Daughter)   1810 6


45                   Footstone

                       J A   

                       J T   


46                   Headstone

                       Grimwood Susan 14 August 1861 20



46                   Footstone

                       G S   1861



47                   Headstone

                       Chambers James 16 March 1864 35



48                   Headstone




49                   Headstone

                       Pepper Elizabeth 20 October 1690 27

                       Pepper William (Husband)   


50                   Headstone

                       Pepper William 27 March 1721 78

                       Pepper William (Father)   


51                   Headstone

                       Pepper Dorothy 2 September 1694 84

                       Pepper William (Hiusband)   


52                   Headstone

                       Pepper William 7 November 1704 89

                       Pepper William (Father)   

                       William Pepper late of Chevely in the County of Cambridge only son of William

                       Pepper late of Harlow in the County of Essex



53                   Headstone

                       Palmer Elizabeth 26 November 1716 10



54                   Headstone

                       Good William 7 May 



55                   Headstone

                       Willis Moody 26 February 1801 78

                       Willis Mary (Wife) 20 March  31

                       Willis Moody(Son) 20 March  Infant

                       Willis Edward (Son) 13 March 1781 35

                       Willis Sarah (2nd Wife) 23 July 1791 60

                       Willis Ann (Daughter of Moody and Sarah) 12 October 1770 1


56                   Headstone

                       Mestrope George 22 March 1749 59



57                   Headstone

                       Thomas Wes….. 20 January 1701 19



58                   Coffin

                       Neale Erskine M. A. (Vicar) 23 November 1883 80


                       Blessed are the merciful Matt5:7


59                   Headstone




60                   Headstone

                       McLain Edward 11 October 1757

                       McLain John (Father)   

                       McLain Martha (Mother)   


61                   Headstone

                       Edgar Thomas 27 October 1829 66



61                   Footstone

                       E T   1829



62                   Headstone

                       Hensby Willm 15 December 1777 70

                       Hensby Ann (Wife) 9 April 1781 82



63                   Headstone with Bodystone

                       Fyson William 14 January 1842 67

                       Fyson Sarah Peachey (Wife) 31 January 1837 67

                       In the midst of life we are in death


63                   Footstone

                       F W   

                       W SP   


64                   Headstone with Bodystone

                       Fyson Richard 12 June 1852 41

                       Fyson Willm (Father)   

                       Fyson Sarah Peachey (Mother)   


65                   Headstone

                       Fyson William 21 April 1768 81

                       Fyson Dorothy (Wife) 25 May 1742 30


66                   Headstone




67                   Headstone




68                   Headstone

                       Fyson Mary 21 November 1815 67

                       Fyson William (Husband)   


69                   Headstone

                       Fyson Willm 25 March 1782 48

                       Fyson Wm (Father)   

                       Fyson Dorothy (Mother)   


70                   Headstone

                       M F   

                       M F   


70                   Footstone

                       F M   

                       W L   


71                   Headstone

                       Pitches Elizabeth 11  

                       Pitches Daniel (Husband)   

                       Pitches William & Daniel (Sons of Daniel and Ann)    

                       Pitches William    Infant

                       Pitches  27 June 1713 22



72                   Headstone

                       Pitches Daniel 7 May 1749 51



73                   Headstone




74                   Headstone

                       Earith Thomas 17 November 1878 74

                       Earith Sophia (Wife) 22 August 1861 55

                       They have gone and the grave hath received them

                       Twas Jesus that called them away

                       They have gone into him who redeemed them from night to …. Of day


74                   Footstone

                       E T   1878

                       E S   1861


75                   Headstone

                       Ereth Issabella 9 November 1871 20

                       Ereth Robert (Father)   

                       Ereth Mary (Mother)   

                       Ereth Mary (Wife)   


76                   Headstone




77                   Headstone

                       Pleasance John  January 1700 86

                       Pleasance Sarah(Wife)  July 1701 77


77                   Footstone

                       P J   1700



78                   Headstone

                       Pleasance John   1704

                       Pleasance S   


78                   Footstone

                       R J   

                       P S   1704


79                   Headstone

                       Haxall John (Jun) 6 February 1733 27

                       Haxall John (Sen) 17 September 1731 70



80                   Headstone

                       Haxall Robert 22 April 1781 21

                       Haxall Robert (Father)   

                       Haxall Catherine (Mother)   

                       Newton Robt    died in (her) infancy


80                   Footstone

                       H R   1781



81                   Headstone

                       Cross Elizabeth 15 December 1812 90



82                   Headstone

                       Stigwood Elizabeth 6 January 1835 58

                       Stigwood Willm (Husband) 31 October  87


83                   Headstone

                       Stables Mary 28 March 1825

                       Stables William (Husband)   


84                   Headstone

                       Brooks George 31 August 1822 70

                       Brooks Margaret (Wife) 21 March 1843 88


85                   Headstone

                       Warren George 6 February 

                       Warren Richard (Father)   

                       Warren Martha (Mother)   


86                   Headstone

                       Warren Martha 7 July 1870 27

                       Warren Richard (Husband) 7 March  77


87                   Headstone

                       Brooks John    66

                       Brooks John 27 December 1870 80


88                   Headstone

                       Robson Eleanor Thomasine 2 September 1828 15

                       Evans Harriet Eleanor Robson (Niece) 9 June 1835

                       Evans Hugh Robert (Father of Harriet)   

                       Evans Harriet (Mnother of Harriet)   


89                   Headstone

                       Weatherby Frances   

                       Weatherby Will (Father)   

                       Weatherby Mariann (Mother)   



90                   Headstone

                       Lancaster Thomas 28 August 1841 61

                       Lancaster Margaret (Wife) 15 March 1851 75

                       Lancaster Thomas (Son)   15

                       Lancaster (Daughter)    

                       Lancaster ?   


90                   Footstone

                       L T   

                       L M   

                       L T   


91                   Headstone


                        ? (Husband)   


92                   Headstone

                       Heffer Mary Ann 16 November 1859 35

                       Heffer Jabez (Husband)   


92                   Footstone

                       H MA   



93                   Headstone

                       Coe Elizabeth 17 March  65

                       Coe William (Husband) 24 July 1880 75

                       At rest with Christ in heaven


94                   Headstone

                       Williams Elizabeth   1865

                       Williams ? (Husband)   


94                   Footstone

                       W E   1865



95                   Headstone

                       Wilson Thomas 28 November 1863 49

                       Wilson Elizabeth (Wife) 24 February 1900 80

                       Wilson David 26 February 1854 5

                       The blood of Jesus cleanseth us from all sin


95                   Footstone

                       C E   

                       C J   



96                   Headstone

                       Corley Ellen 22 June 1879 50

                       Corley James (Husband) 1 May 1902 80

                       Dear parents we have missed you

                       We wanted you to stay

                       But God who doeth all things well

                       Hath called you both away


97                   Coffin

                       Brown Benjamin 10 June 1876 67

                       Brown Sophia (Wife)   


98                   Headstone

                       Taylor William 30 Janaury 1851 30



99                   Headstone

                       Boman Ann 5 Janaury 1844 27

                       Boman Francis (Father)   

                       Boman Sophia (Mother)   

                       Prepare to meet your God


100                 Vault

                       Dobede John (Jun) 31 August 1869 51

                       Dobede Elizabeth (Mother?) 31 August 1869 51


101                 Headstone with Flat Stone on east Side

                       Goodwin Eliza 24 April 1834 43

                       Goodwin William (Husband)   

                       Edwards Eliza (Daughter) 25 September 1864 47

                       Edwards Arthur (Husband)   


102                 Headstone




103                 Headstone

                       Warren Susanna 9 July 1881 79

                       Warren John (Husband) 15 may 1885 82

                       Farthing Kate Mary (Grandchild)    3

                       Farthing Sidney Robert (Grandchild)    Infant

                       Gone but not forgotten 

                       This stone was erected by their three sons in America


103                 Footstone

                       W S   

                       W J   

                       F KM   

                       F SR   



104                 Headstone

                       Westley Ralph 7 February 1865 47



105                 Headstone

                       Westley Henry 4 Febriuary 1859 73

                       Westley Ann (Wife) 10 December 1869 79


105                 Footstone

                       W H   1859

                       W A   1869


106                 Headstone

                       Ranner Ralph 30 October 1813 77

                       Ranner Ann (Wife)   


106                 Footstone

                       R R   

                       R ?   


107                 Headstone

                       Ashby Harry   



108                 Headstone

                       Read Mary Ann 22 September 1863 48

                       Read Charles (Husband) 22 December 1885 72


108                 Footstone

                       R M A   1863

                       R C   1885


109                 Headstone

                       Read William 16 Janaury 1818 26

                       Read William (Father)   

                       Read Ann (Mother)   

                       Read Ann 25 March 1865 65


109                 Footstone

                       R W   1818

                       R A   1865


110                 Chest Tomb

                       Waters John 7 November 1810 77

                       Waters Sarah (Wife) 1 Janaury 1812 55


111                 Headstone





112                 Headstone




113                 Headstone

                       Bunn Harriet Ebenezer 23 June 1877 84



113                 Footstone

                       B H   1877



114                 Headstone

                       Bunn George 15 September 1875 75

                       Bunn Enoch (Son) 14 July 1878 21


114                 Footstone

                       B G   1875

                       B E   1878


115                 Headstone

                       Bunn Harry 12 October 1868 66

                       Bunn Mary (Wife) 26 October 1868 65


116                 Headstone

                       Bunn Enoch 29 April 1841 78

                       Bunn Caroline (Wife) 1 February 1858 72


117                 Monument West Face

                       Hammond John 2 December 1798 28

                       Hammon John (Father) 3 December 1810 80

                       Hammond Rebecca (Mother) 18-Jul 1823 80

                       Hammond Elizabeth (Sister) 11 December 1854 79


117                 Monument South Face

                       Hammond William Esq. J. P.    67

                       Hammond Harriet (Wife)   

                       Hammond Wm (Father)   

                       Hammond Mary (Mother)   


117                 Monument North face




117                 Monument East Face

                       Hammond Joseph 4 January 1821 24

                       Hammond Mary (mother) 28 December 1841 87

                       Hammond William (Father) 22 October 1845 82

                       Hammond John (Father of William)   

                       Hanmmond Rebecca (Mother of John)   



118                 Headstone

                       Bunn Lydia 10 December 1850 62

                       Bunn John Charles (Husband) 13 August 1876 87

                       Them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him  I Thess iv. 11


119                 Headstone

                       Toovey Sarah 18 November 1853 50

                       Toovey John (Husband)   


120                 Headstone

                       Cossey Ann    19

                       Cossey Thomas (Husband)   


121                 Headstone

                       Webb William 22 December 1877 31



122                 Headstone

                       Bailey John 30 April 1856 68

                       Bailey Elizabeth (Wife) 8 March 1865 76

                       We shall go with them but they cannot return to us


122                 Footstone

                       B J   1856

                       B E   1865


123                 Headstone

                       Johnson John 19 March 1878 68

                       Johnson Ellen (Wife) 19 March 1881 64

                       As for me I will behold thy face in righteousness. 

                       I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness


124                 Headstone

                       Webb Lily 9 August 1836 69

                       Webb James (Husband)  June 1801 40


125                 Headstone

                       Sinpole William 22 September 1828 36

                       Sinpole Mary (Daughter) 12 May 1837 9


126                 Headstone

                       Webb Thomas   

                       Webb Mary Ann (Wife) 9 April 1853 71


127                 Headstone

                       Webb John   

                       Webb Mary (Wife)   



128                 Headstone

                        Sarah  November 1836 59

                        George (Husband)   


129                 Coffin

                       Bailey Thomas 27 March 1880 21

                       Bailey J (Father)   

                       Bailey B (Mother)   

                       In the midst of life we are in death


130                 Headstone

                       Brooks Ricahrd 8 Janaury 1822 76

                       Brooks Ann (Wife) 18 March 1830 75


130                 Footstone

                       B R   

                       B A   


131                 Headstone

                       Burgess Charles 9 March 1881 22

                       Webb James Aves (Father)   

                       Thy will be done


132                 Headstone




133                 Headstone

                       Webb Elizabeth 27 September 1866 36

                       Webb James Aves (Husband)   

                       Webb Rachel (Wife of James Aves) 20 August 1872 33


134                 Headstone

                       Webb Lydia Eliza  Janaury  3

                       Webb Millington (Father)   

                       Webb Sarah(Mother)   

                       Why should our tears in sorrow flow  

                       When God recalls his own 

                       And bids them leave a world of woe

                       For an Immortal crown


135                 Headstone

                        Robert Aves 20 `March  12

                       Webb Thomas  November  14

                       Webb John (Father of Thomas)   

                       Webb Frances (Mother of Thomas)   


136                 Headstone





137                 Headstone

                       Billbrook Edward 15 June 1706 72



138                 Chest Tomb




139                 Headstone

                       Stubbs James 26 December 1866 60



140                 Headstone

                       Cotton Richard 15 February 1869 40


                       In the midst of life we are in death


141                 Coffin South Face

                       Goodwin William 6 April 1860

                       Goodwin William (Father)   

                       Goodwin Eliza (Mother)   


141                 Coffin North Face

                       Cotton Richard 16 October 1860

                       Cotton Richard (Father)   

                       Cotton Caroline (Mother)   


142                 Headstone

                       Bryant Thomas 25 November 1835 35

                       Bryant James (Father)   

                       Bryant Elizabeth (Mother)   


143                 Headstone

                       Bryant Jane 11 October  75



143                 Footstone ?

                       B J   



144                 Headstone

                       Bryant Elizabeth 2 August 1820 75

                       Bryant James (Relict)   


144                 Footstone ?

                       B E   1846




145                 Headstone

                       Bryant Je[  ]han 13 June 1782

                        (Brother) 5 October 1781

                       Bryant James (Father)   

                       Bryant (Mother)   


145                 Footstone ?

                       B J   1782

                       B J   1784


146                 Headstone

                       Bryant  10  



147                 Headstone

                       Frost Ambrose 4 March 1869 64

                       Frost Sarah(Wife) 24 May 1875 72

                       O Lord deliver my soul  Oh save me for thy mercies sake


147                 Footstone ?

                       F A   1869

                       F A   1875


148                 Headstone

                       Bryant Elizabeth 24 April 1841 61

                       Bryant Thomas Gent (Husband)   


149                 Headstone

                       Bryant Thomas 5 May 1857 56


150                 Headstone

                       Aves James 5 July 1835 67

                       Aves Ann (Wife) 25 November 1833 65

                       Aves James Thomas   

                       Aves Thomas   


151                 Headstone

                       Aves Mary Ann   

                       Aves Elizabeth (Sister) 11 April 1837

                       Aves Thomas (Father)   

                       Aves Ann (mother)   


152                 Headstone

                       Aves Ann 21 February 1841 29

                       Aves Thomas (Husband) 23  1844 44


152                 Footstone ?

                       A A   1841

                       A T   1844



153                 Headstone

                       Green Alfred 13 February 1901 55

                       Watch therefore for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come


154                 Headstone

                       Green John 25 August 1863 43

                       Green Sarah Gifford (Wife) 13 May 1900 79

                       Waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus


155                 Headstone

                       Heffer Mary 14 )ctober 1862 28

                       Heffer Frederick (Husband)   

                       Prepare thee partner of my joys and woes 

                       To follow and partake of my repose 

                       As thou hast shared my gladness and my gloom 

                       So must thou share with me the silent tomb


155                 Footstone

                       H M   1862


156                 Headstone

                       Heffer Frederick 27 Janaury 1876 42

                       Heffer Ernest (Son) 25 February 1903 34

                       Heffer Maria (Wife)   

                       Though dead he still lives in the memory of those who loved him


157                 Headstone

                       Heffer Eliza 7 August 1882 55

                       Heffer James (Father)   

                       Heffer Elizabeth (mother)   

                       Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord


158                 Headstone


158                 Footstone

                       H J   1864

                       H E   1884


159                 Coffin

                       Mann Edward Thomas 9 June 1886 27

                       Mann Mary(Wife) 8 October  65

                       Mann Edward (Father)   

                       Mann Mary (Mother)   


160                 Headstone or Memorial from Inside Church B

                       Morden Oliver Gent 16 June 1671

                       Morden John (Father)   

                       Morden Margaret (Mother)   



160                 Headstone or Memorial from Inside Church  A

                       Morden Martin (Youngest Son) or Philip Gent 4 February 1659

                       Morden John Gent (Older Brother i.e. 2nd Son) 29 October 1659

                       Morden Margaret (Wife of John) 15 April 1670

                       Morden John Vicar of Lyndfe in Essex 2 June 1674

                       Morden Oliver (Father of Martin & John)   

                       Originally part of 43 (Lyndfe possibly Lindsell 4miles North of Dunmow)


161                 Coffin


162                 Headstone

                       Bonner T 23   9


163                 Tablet beside West Door

                       Huske Mr John  March 1703 52


164                 Wall Plaque on East End of Church

                       Peachey Rob B. D. 27 September  64

                       Formerly Fellow of Pembroke Hall, Keeper of ye Publick Library & Proctor of ye

                       University of Cam bridg: rector of Stradishall & 20 years and upwards Vicar of this

                       Church of Exning.

                        He desired to be buried in this part of the Churchyard



Listed below are footstones that are not recorded on the plan


F1                   Footstone

                       C M   1845



F2                   Footstone

                       C J    

                       C SC   


F3                   Footstone

                       B E   1829



F4                   Footstone

                       B E   1841



F5                   Footstone

                       C M   1845





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